Kim Nanosky

Kim Nanosky

Human Resources/Finance Manager

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Fast Facts About Kim

Started at The Agent: 2004
Favorite part of working in insurance: "Insurance is more stable than other fields. No matter the economy, people and businesses always need protection from risks. Working for an insurance company can be a rewarding and exciting profession that may allow you to make a positive impact on people's lives."
Most important people in her life:"My mom and dad of course, but my husband is at the top of my list. He keeps me grounded, pushing me when I do not think I can do something, and is always my rock."
Favorite things to do on the weekend: "Get caught up on housework. I know that sounds boring, but when our house is organized, clean and laundry done, I feel like a superhero! But I do like to go out to dinner on Friday and Saturday nights as a special treat!"
Favorite thing about the town she works in: "The FOOD! The food here is amazing, like nothing you can get anywhere else. We travel a lot, and we find very few cities have diverse, local restaurants like we do here in Youngstown. And I love how close I live to everything."
What makes The Agent special: "Know that our team is a family! It makes my heart so happy to see how everyone not only works together, but cares deeply about each other. We have a very special group of people that are more than just your “employees” they are our Agent Family!"

The Agent Insurance Services is a full-service independent insurance agency. This allows us the ability to offer a full range of protection such as home and auto insurance, commercial insurance, and life insurance to all of our clients. To put it simply, we make sure our clients have the same coverages we have. Why would you want anything less? Our exceptional team of “Protection Advisors” offers professional advice and service you can afford. Please call us and tell us what is important to you. We’ll do the rest.

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