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Ron Nanosky


Email Ron Nanosky

Fast Facts About Ron

Started at The Agent: Founded the agency in February 1999
Favorite part of working in insurance: Working with business owners on their insurance needs
Most important people in his life: His wife, family and dogs
Favorite things to do on the weekend: Go camping! Ron and his wife Kim are National Park junkies and they love the rich history of the US.
Favorite thing about the town he works in: Undoubtedly the food in Youngstown.
What makes The Agent special: The employees, the culture and the clients. "We don't sell insurance, we advise people on their individual needs."
Ron and Kim
Ron Nanosky

The Agent Insurance Services is a full-service independent insurance agency. This allows us the ability to offer a full range of protection such as home and auto insurance, commercial insurance, and life insurance to all of our clients. To put it simply, we make sure our clients have the same coverages we have. Why would you want anything less? Our exceptional team of “Protection Advisors” offers professional advice and service you can afford. Please call us and tell us what is important to you. We’ll do the rest.

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